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MapStand Newsletter - November 2024

Written by: Francis Cram

We're delighted to introduce you to the latest edition of the MapStand newsletter.

This is our opportunity to share all of the exciting things that are going on at MapStand HQ alongside news and updates from the energy industry.

So without further ado, let's begin...

Utility Week Awards / 2024

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MapStand are honoured to announce that our REACT project (a collaboration between MapStand, SSE, Olsights and National Grid Electricity Transmission and SGN) has been shortlisted as a finalist in the ‘Innovation Award - Energy’ category at the Utility Week Awards 2024.

The award nomination is for the latest phase of our exciting REACT Project, an innovation project funded by energy network users and consumers through the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF), a programme from the UK’s independent energy regulator Ofgem, managed in partnership with Innovate UK. 

What is REACT?


REACT is a collaborative project that we have been working on with SSEN Transmission, Olsights, National Grid Electricity Transmission and SGN.

Together, we have created the Rapid Evaluation Areal Connection Tool (REACT) to allow users to view electricity grid requests in real-time using an interactive visualisation map.

REACT will be particularly beneficial for transmission owners and project developers to understand where there is a requirement to build reinforcements to support new developments and to identify strategic opportunities to build demand units to utilise excess power supply at peak times.

To achieve Net Zero by 2050, we need tools and processes that help to manage complex risks, speed up the grid connection process and improve planning for Transmission Owners. These changes will allow them to deliver infrastructure upgrades more quickly and save money by reducing constraint costs. REACT aims to provide a solution that addresses all of these areas at once.

Find out all about the project here.

Coming soon! We're becoming an Esri partner

Esri Partner Bronze

MapStand are thrilled to become an Esri partner, this expansion of our data serving capabilities will allow us to deliver our data through the market-leading ESRI marketplace ecosystem.

The partnership will help us to support our customers in new ways as they work towards their Net Zero goals. Keep your eyes peeled for our official announcement coming soon.

Introducing our Emissions Forecasting Model

Global emmissions forcast model

We are really excited to announce the upcoming release of the first version of our Emissions Forecasting Model!

This model describes point source emitting sectors such as power generation, refineries, and industrial facilities (steel, cement, chemicals, etc) over time, incorporating key project milestones to provide insights to future emissions landscape. These insights are essential for understanding opportunities and risks within decarbonisation projects and industries.

This update will allow us to leverage our existing datasets to provide valuable insights into future decarbonisation hubs and forecasting the most efficient routes to net zero.

If you want to talk to us about our CSS, hydrogen or emissions forecasting, get in touch with us below to find out how we can help you.

MapStand team meet-up at our Sheffield HQ 🌍


Members of the MapStand team came to Sheffield recently from all over the country - and beyond! 🌍

The team discussed future product development plans for the next 6-12 months and explored how each member can contribute to collaborative business development efforts.

It wasn’t all work talk of course - we topped it off with a night out in Sheffield city centre!

As a geographically diverse team, it’s really important that we touch base to collaborate regularly - though it’s fantastic that we can work and recruit remotely, you can’t beat those in-person conversations 😊

Charlie visits Scottish Power HQ


Charlie joined MapStand on an internship earlier this year and is now a key part of our data and analytics team.

He's now been with us for six months and he recently took a trip to Glasgow to visit the ScottishPower HQ and Whitelee Windfarm with Young Energy Professionals (YEP) Forum

He said "I had a fantastic trip to Glasgow last week with the Young Energy Professionals (YEP) Forum to visit ScottishPower HQ and Whitelee Windfarm. It was great to connect with other young professionals from across the industry.

Whitelee is the UK's largest onshore wind farm, with 215 turbines and a capacity of 539 MW. Seeing the infrastructure up close, and not just as a datapoint, really drove home the scale and impact of the projects I usually see on a screen.

"Thanks to YEP for organizing and to everyone who made the day both engaging and memorable."

Get in Touch!

If you need to get in touch with a member of the team, we'd love to hear from you. You can contact us here.

Thanks for reading. Speak to you soon!


Francis and the MapStand team

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Francis Cram